Calculation upon calculation: take control of worlds of turning cogs and bend its power to your own ends as you develop in the ways of the Machine Mind Warlock. With a focus on the use of Intelligence modifiers and recharging abilities, your control over knowledge outside of combat will become as vital to your party as your opportunities to thwart damage and bolster saving throws.
Or become a master of ancient runes that have been… improved. Runemaster Rogues take simple charms and use them to make a mockery of their enemies, becoming omnipresent and omniscient in combat and the perfect spies when it comes to navigating the world around them. Plant your runes on your opponents to gain an explosive edge, or place them in their hideaways to listen in on their plans.
Whatever path you take – whatever destiny awaits you – these custom 5e subclasses will take your game to the next level. Pick out the best 5e subclasses for your next adventure!
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